Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Amy and Vince in front of the new mural painted by San Andrés kids and members of our companion parish (yes, that is a tiny blond ´Reverenda´standing in the church door on the mural!)

We have some exciting news to share... Vince and I are expecting our first child this month! He will be born in El Salvador, and so will be both a Salvadoran and a U.S. citizen (this is our Salvadoran friends' main concern-'If he's born here will he be able to go to the U.S.?'). We plan to spend a couple months around Christmas introducing our little one to California family and friends, and then will return to El Salvador to finish our third year here, Sept. 2007-Aug. 2008. We will continue our work here with the Anglican Episcopal Church of El Salvador as Volunteers in Mission of the Episcopal Church, supported by Foundation Cristosal (www.cristosal.org.) Many, many thanks to all of you who have donated to our mission fund and helped make this year (2006-2007) possible for us! We feel called to continue growing in this crazy, difficult, wonderful place... both in our work and ministry, spiritually and as human beings, and now as a family. -Amy