Group Visits
Delegation of clergy and laypersons from the Diocese of Massachusetts and members of Iglesia San Marcos, Izalco lay down some road up to the Villa Anglicana San Marcos.
All Saints Episcopal Church, Jacksonville Florida enact the story of Noah's Ark with students from Colegio Episcopal San Andres Apostol
Members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Mobile Alabama join the chapel service at Centro Educativo Anglicano San Mateo.
UC San Diego students from the Episcopal & Methodist United Campus Ministry, youth from San Juan Evangelista, and Amy gather at the Plaza Salvador del Mundo for the Romero march to the Cathedral.
Members of St. Michael's, Brattleboro Vermont share nuegados (ground, fried yucca) and bible study with members of Santa Maria Virgen. Members of St. John on the Mountain Episcopal Church, Bernardsville, New Jersey participate in a youth stations of the cross service at San Andres Apostol.